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Blog #11- Productivity

Productivity as an educator is one of the most important things you need to be. Personally, I would like to get a routine going in the start of my teaching career to make things easier in the future than to continue to work hard my whole teaching career. When achieving productivity in the classroom you want to make sure that your students interests are kept while also incorporating high order thinking.

After taking this class there are a few productivity tools that I could see myself using in my classroom such as:

Reminding Tools- to help me remind myself of test days or important dates and to also help me remind my students and their parents of the homework that is due along with important dates (tests, field trips, permission slip deadlines, picture day, ect). With these tools it also holds the students accountable because they cannot use the excuse of "I did not know what the homework was so I did not do it". This gives multiple ways to communicate these important information.
Lesson Enhancing/Presentation Tools- to help keep my lessons  more exciting and visual rather than just standing in the front of the room lecturing. GoogleSlides allows students to access my PowerPoints from home or anywhere that they have a device. And Shmoop and Gizmo allow students to use their own time to enhance their understanding and to also go at their own pace when I want to have a blended learning day. 
Tools to Keep Myself on Task- these are tools that I would use outside of the classroom to keep me on task and continuing to manage my time. RescueTime keeps track of how long I have been on sites  and allows me to block distractions (facebook, twitter, instagram, email, ect) while I am trying to do school work. Wunderlist is a task managing tool that I can use anywhere, anytime. I can create organized lists and can share to anyone, along with emailing my lists to myself. 
Assessment Tools- assessment is key in any classroom and it is important to have good assessment tools. I would use both of these for both summative and formative assessment. They are paperless options that provide me with instant feedback and give me an idea of where my students fall. Along with that it allows me to get grading done quickly. 


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